BC’s Forests

British Columbia’s vast forests have been an important part of life and the economy as long as people have resided in the area since before colonization for First Nations to the inception of the province as part of Canada to the present day. Today as globalization extends its reach and the demand for resources increases, British Columbia’s forests are under great strain. A decrease in timber supply due to logging along with increasingly larger and more intense forest fires as well as more insect and disease damage have impacted communities and the economy of the province.

Prior to becoming a photographer I studied forestry and natural resource management and worked in the industry for several years. I have also lived in the communities that rely upon the forests and have seen and felt the impacts first-hand. This has given me a unique perspective and an inside view of the workings, demands, and challenges placed on our forests. I have put my experience and skills to use as I document BC’s forest industry for government and industry clients.


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